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“The very heart of yoga practice is abhyasa - steady effort in the direction you want to go”
— — Sally Kempton

 On-Demand Yoga Classes on YouTube

Are you seeking convenient and flexible ways to enhance your yoga practice, at home or on the go?
Whether you're looking to practice on your own schedule or focus on specific goals, I’ve got you covered!

As a yoga teacher I know the value of an in-person practice. The direct feedback you can get from your teacher and the energy that you feel from practicing in a group.

And as a student, I also recognize that there are many times when I can’t get to a class.

For over a decade I have supplemented my practice with on-demand classes that I can do anywhere, anytime.

Now I am thrilled to offer this to you.

Clear, detailed instruction whenever and wherever you need it.

Choose from a variety of class lengths and styles.